The installation of this version generates a magnetic field of 'gravity' and 'resistance' by way of creating a 'virtual' dynamic field within an anechoic room. Therein the forces generated by participants' physical movements are countered by computer calculation. This loop of real-time feedback between the body and space within the dynamic field--is realized as sound (intra-body sounds including those of blood vessels) and as vision (the change of LED light on the horizontal line). More concretely, the triple layered spiral of the data of participants' body transforms the space that the participants themselves experience: the sensing of participants' intra-body sound, the sensing of participants' weight balance/shift, and the sensing of participant' body positioning generate a disequilibrate bundle of data that continuously transforms the space. The horizontal line of light (means,delivered by the sensing of gravity) forms borderlines, which express our senses of top and bottom, far and near, and floating and pressure. Gravity is called the fifth sense: our body keeps balance via the inner ear's. |
Gravity and Resistance project 2004 |