How to participate
1. Step onto the floor that is tight-stretched both lengthwise
and crosswise with the opposing forces.
2. Stand or move around on this unstable flat floor (6m x 6m), and you
are participating in the installation. Each participant becomes "an
observation point," and another participant joins to make "plural
moving observation points." The number of participants at a time
is not limited.
3. On the floor are placed 225 units of 40cm x 40cm cell-like grids, in
which specially developed sensors (not on/off switches) are fixed to detect
instantly and continuously the changing position, weight, and speed.
4. Based on the relations among participants' dynamics, GPS in the sky
above the site, and changes in the space, another space is created by
light, sound, and images.
5. Changes in the space are programmed on the movements obtained by the
physical calculation of gravity, and the on-going dynamic movements are
changes according to the installation structure and plural moving participants.
The analyzing program reconstructs geometry, generating and modifying
the coordinates according to GPS, participant's dynamics, speed, and position.
It also distorts the coordinates.
6. Through a GPS satellite's position-measuring device fixed on the roof
of YCAM Big Wave, the sensitivity, position, and direction of GPS above
in the sky are projected on the screen real-time in the installation space.
Then the dynamics of GPS is turned into a simultaneously moving site,
and thus the installation space involves the outside environment.
7. When there is no participant, the space goes back to the former tight-stretched
state. In the background, however, the dynamics of GPS and others are
moving real-time. The loops of the process of the changing installation
structure go on providing data successively.
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